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논문 게재 철회

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 724
* 본 학회의 연구윤리 규정에 의거하여 다음의 논문 세 편을 게재 철회하였습니다.

Sohn, Jitae. “The Political Economy of Art: Ruskin, Contemporary Cultural Economics and Its Aftermath.” 『19세기영어권문학』17.2 (2013): 203-254.

Sohn, Jitae. “Work in Utopia: The Idea of Work, Labor, and Art in the Writings of Four Critics of Classical Economics.” 『19세기영어권문학』16.1 (2012): 181-219.

Sohn, Jitae. “Ruskin in Our Time: ‘There is no Wealth but Life.’” 『19세기영어권문학』15.1 (2011): 227-257.
