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2018년 ELLAK 학술대회 소식을 전합니다

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 1067

숙명여자대학교에 개최된 한국영어영문학회 국제학술대회에 19세기 영어권 문학회는 두개의 세션을 운영하였습니다.  12월 14일 금요일은 한글세션으로 12월 15일 토요일은 영어세션으로  다음과 같은 순서로 진행했습니다. 

또한 점심식사와 함께 2019년 학술대회, 학술지 발간, 학회명 변경 건으로 임원회의를 진행하였습니다. 걸음해주신 모든 선생님들께 감사의 말씀을 드립니다.   


15:20-17:00 The Korean Society of Nineteenth Century Literature in English I (Centennial Hall 701-B)

     Chair: Heewon Chung (University of Seoul, Korea)


Sookyoung Lee (Yonsei University, Korea), Demogorgon Unbound: Labor, Multitude and Vita Non-Activa


Misun Yun (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Kittler and Derrida: The Inscription System 1850, Beggar Readers, and Dracula


Shinhyun Park (Korea University, Korea), Becoming-Parents based on Levinas’s Ethics of the Other: Great Expectations by Charles Dickens


Discussants: Sein Oh (Seoul National University, Korea)

                     Boosung Kim (Sogang University, Korea)

                     Soyoun Kim (Seoul National University, Korea)




 09:00-10:40 The Korean Society of Nineteenth Century Literature in English II (Centennial Hall 701-A) (in English)

       Chair: Jung Sun Choi (Incheon University, Korea)


Jiang Jindi (Shandong University of Technology, China), A Study on Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield from a Freudian Psychoanalytical Perspective


Donghui Guo (Shandong Academy of Sciences, China), “Reading Chinese Cookery in Yan Phou Lee’s When I was a Boy in China


Discussants: Donghee Om (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

                     Jieun Park (Changwon National University, Korea)

